Provide details about your Club, Club Contact and how you will be paying (via internet banking or cheque) by using the Club & Club Contact Details Form below. Submit this form only once, regardless of how many teams you are entering. Banking details and the Treasurer's mailing address will be sent to the Club Contact's email address after the form is submitted.
Complete a separate Team Entry Form for each team. You don't have to submit all teams at the same time. You may come back at a later time to submit more teams.
Send your payment either via direct debit or cheque to MEMRLTA.
Important dates
Entries must be submitted by Tuesday 25 February 2025.
Season commences Tuesday 18 March 2025.
Team entry fee is $35/team. Please note that our banking details have changed.
Payment to be made via internet banking or cheque (payments not available via this website)